Fat cats are so common nowadays that you may not even realize that your cat is overweight too! It is really easy to overfeed our pet cats because they just love their treats! However, the weight of your cat is something you should take seriously as there are many different and difficult problems that may come with an overweight cat.
So what is the ideal weight of a cat? Or is the average cat weight enough to determine how fat your cat should be?
Ideal weight of cat
Most domestic cats should weigh about 10 pounds or so, which is about 4 to 5 kilograms. However, different factors such as breed and frame can come into play. For example, a Siamese cat may weigh 5 pounds but a Maine Coon can go up to 25 pounds. Both are still healthy.
Measuring your cat’s weight is relatively easy. However, if you are unsure if your cat is overweight or not, call your local veterinarian for an appointment.
You may make a mistake as some cats are fluffier. Their fur makes them look fatter than they are. Some larger breeds also tend to look bigger than an average cat so they may seem like they are fat cats but they are not.
The information shows the ideal weight ranges for cats. Simply treat it as a starting point but we do suggest that you take your cat for further assessment at your veterinarian.
- Domestic cat: 8 - 10 lbs
- Persian cat: 7 - 12 lbs
- Siamese cat: 5 - 10 lbs
- Maine Coon cat: 10 - 25 lbs
Healthy cat weight
Although it is tempting to measure your cats by the above standards, to determine the health of your cat is a different matter altogether.
Just as humans have different notions of ideal body weight, the fact remains that it is just that - ideal. A focus on health and maintaining a healthy weight for cats is in fact, much better.
To do so, most veterinarians follow the Purina Body Condition Score (BCS)

Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay
Body Condition Score (BCS)
As there is more to health than weight alone, the Body Condition Score (BCS) is a more accurate way to determine if your cat weight is healthy. The BCS encourages you to get hands on with your cat and get to know their actual size underneath all the fur.
FIrst off, look at your cat from every angle to get an all-round view. To find out your cat’s BCS, you will need to get hands on. Be gentle with your cat as it may be used to you touching it this way.
The ideal healthy cat weight is leaner than you may think. Most owners will underestimate the weight of cats. Oftentimes, factors like body shape, size and breed play an important factor when it comes to healthy cats.
No two cats are the same. Different cats require different food, different meal sizes and different degrees of exercise. Therefore, although two cats weigh the same, it is highly possible that one cat would be overweight and the other underweight.
In order to better determine your cat’s average weight, follow the cat weight chart for a better understanding of how to do so. Use your eyes and your hands to get a proper feel and look at the weight of your cat.
The ideal weight for cats is of course, between 3 and 5 on the BCS scale. You have to view your cat from above as well as on the side to find out whether it is healthy, overweight or underweight.
At the ideal cat weight, a clear waistline can be seen and a visible tummy tuck is available. You will feel its ribs although you may not see it as a small layer of overlying fat covering it is healthy.
What to do if your cat is above the average cat weight?
The first thing you have to realize is that your cat needs to lose weight if it is an obese cat. You can start by making your cats exercise and feeding them the best diet cat food. It is best you do your research so that you can find out what causes cats to gain weight too!
Of course, make sure to consult your veterinarian if you are going to feed your cat a whole new diet. Your vet will also be able to advise you on matters to do with your cat’s health and any underlying health issues.
Image by Юрий Сидоренко from Pixabay
Like humans, cats also have an ideal weight. However, pet owners should not judge the health of their cats by just weighing them. A healthy cat weight is determined by breed and frame so it is better to use the BCS scale to determine if your cat is really overweight or not.